Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Chapter 7 - M-Theory: The Mother of All Strings

Chapter seven has been, so far, the hardest chapter to read. Chapter seven explains string theory and M-Theory, neither of which I understand very well.
String theory is a popular theory I’m sure most people have heard of. This theory explains that everything is a tiny string vibrating at a certain frequency. So, everything in the entire universe is made up of a tiny string (about 10-36) vibrating at different frequencies. This concept, was the easiest to understand.

Kaku then described how string theory can only exist if there are eleven dimensions that exist in our world (not just three, or four including time). It is possible for these eleven dimensions to exist, we just can’t see them. He suspects that some of the dimensions are smaller than atoms and so this explains why we can’t see them. Other theorists suggest that some dimensions are right above us, we just can’t see them. This concept puzzled me quite a bit because wrapping my head around the fact there are eleven dimensions in the world shocked me. It is really hard to try and visualize even one more dimension so the string theory was very confusing.

String theory lead into a different “theory of everything:” the M-Theory. This theory differs from string theory because instead of strings there are tiny membranes. This theory is still being developed and doesn’t have a big following - yet. Physicists deem this theory as the theory that will develop into the theory of everything because the equations include the effects of gravity (which is often omitted in other attempts at creating the “theory of everything”) and string theory is explained through M-Theory.

Chapter seven went way over my head but I still managed to understand bit and pieces of the theory that is one day supposed to explain the universe. I learned that there is so much out there that we can’t explain and that we can’t see with our bare eyes. It was mind-boggling to read because it was so hard to imagine or visualize.

For those commenting on my blog, let me know what you think about the M-theory or even the string theory. Do you think either is true? Do you think that one day we’ll be able to actually explain the universe?

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"It's so hard to forget pain, but it's even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little from peace. "